Different materials have different properties and we use them to make different things. Water cannot penetrate waterproof materials. For this activity we will be testing different materials to see how waterproof they are
The first thing that you need to do is cover the top of your glass or container with one of the materials that you want to test. To do this you will want to securely cover the top of your glass with your different material and then use an elastic band to hold it in place.
You will want to repeat this with all of the different materials you are going to test.
You are now going to measure out some water into your jug
Put your glass into the middle of your tray and pour the water onto the top of the glass, where you have covered it with the material you are testing
Repeat this with the other materials. Make sure that you measure out the same amount of water each time, to make it a fair test.
When you have tested your different materials, remove them from the top of the glasses and check to see how much water has soaked through, into the glass. For this example I used paper, cotton fabric and plastic. You will see that the plastic was the most waterproof.
You may like to use some of these materials I used in this example in your own test or you may like to test some different materials that you can find at home. You may like to test some things like silver foil, toweling material, or anything that you have at home and see what your results are. Remember to keep your results fair by measuring out the same amount of water for each test.
The video tutorial for this activity is available on the Surrey Libraries Facebook Page.